
Profile picture of Monish S Shah

Monish S Shah created this post

Beaker top

This lid will fit on any standard sized 250 mL (ID: 65 mm, OD: 70 mm) beaker. It can be used to avoid spillage while also maintaining a constant steady flow when pouring. The small slit in the lid is for a rubber band. This rubber band can be used as traction to keep the lid from falling off. A flat rubber band with an approximate 76 mm diameter works best.

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"The Lab Bench" catalog of 3-D printable tools for STEM

Catalog listing of assistive technologies (AT) that can be 3-D printed to assist PWDs in performing lab and engineering tasks more independently. The CAD drawings can be altered to your own specifications. Some of these AT devices may be built for a fee.

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Profile picture of Monish S Shah

Monish S Shah