
Junior Faculty Breakout: Dr. Naima Moustaid- Moussa

A career in academia is possible for any woman who is passionate about her work (science or any other career path). Dr. Moustaid-Moussa travelled from Morocco, her home country to Europe then the US for her academic training and career. She always strongly believed in the importance of pursuing her professional dream as a scientist, without giving up her personal and family life. She credits most of her successes and satisfactions to maintaining the family and work balance. This would not have been possible without the support of her husband and children, guidance from her mentors and her personal motivation and hard work to succeed and make it work on both sides. This required some organization and planning efforts while increasing work efficiency to allow time for both work and family needs. She will discuss her long journey around the world and discuss some lessons learned along the way.

3 posts

Profile picture of Porsche Townsend

Porsche Townsend

Luncheon Keynote: Dr. Shirley Malcom

2011 marked the 35th anniversary of the eminent and influential report “The Double Bind: The Price of Being a Minority Woman in Science”. It also marks the publication of the Malcom and Malcom publication of “The Double Bind: The Next Generation” in which the past and present are connected regarding the pathways used by minority women entering the STEM professoriate and how these WoC navigated the academy. The paper concludes that important structural changes are required in the institutions for reach changes to occur. However, overarching challenges in the economy, in higher education, research funding seem to be fueling a backsliding and jeopardize further progress. The challenge to this group is to work toward developing realistic approaches to find ways to address these concerns and stop the backsliding.

3 posts

Profile picture of Porsche Townsend

Porsche Townsend

Plenary II: Speaker: Dr.Jill Perry- Smith

It has long been noted that women in STEM fields have poor quality networks compared to men. In this article, we question whether the network deficits women face are insurmountable, and investigate a pathway through which women can ‘catch up’, or even surpass men in network quality. Using data on over 3500 scientists over a twenty year period, we study the influence of scientific productivity on the status of scientists’ network affiliates on teams. We find that all scientists have greater access to high status affiliates as their productivity improves, but that women receive comparatively greater gains to their networks from productivity than men. We end with a discussion on how these findings shed light on policies and practice that can help women enhance their social resources in STEM professions.

5 posts

Profile picture of Porsche Townsend

Porsche Townsend

Plenary I: Speaker: Dr. Kelly Mack

Dr. Mack will focus on the societal pressures that disproportionately impact women of color (wealth gap, health disparities, etc.) How does this play out in the academy? Why is there a need for urgency?

6 posts

Profile picture of Porsche Townsend

Porsche Townsend

Post Size Test

Test on post file size

0 posts

Profile picture of Ann Bessenbacher

Ann Bessenbacher

Delete Posts Test

This collection was created to test the deletion of posts and the post count function. I will create this collection by adding 3 posts and then deleting 2 of them.

1 posts

Profile picture of Ann Bessenbacher

Ann Bessenbacher

US STEM Education Centers

List of National STEM Education Centers

1 posts

Profile picture of Ann Bessenbacher

Ann Bessenbacher

First Collection

2 posts

Profile picture of Erich Huebner

Erich Huebner

Test Collection

2 posts

Profile picture of Erich Huebner

Erich Huebner

Final work on The Ripple Project

This is a collection of all content I wrote over course of summer.

3 posts

Profile picture of Megan Kendall

Megan Kendall

Maureen McCann Biofuel project

Resources and background for Maureen’s mass spectrometer reading project.

2 posts

Profile picture of Ann Bessenbacher

Ann Bessenbacher

Ripple Site Requirements

Collection of requirements for the different portions of Ripple

18 posts

Profile picture of Ann Bessenbacher

Ann Bessenbacher

Jon Harbor Glacial Project

Articles relating to Jon Harbor and his work with Moaines. What are they? How do you spot them? What will be Ripples/citizen science role

18 posts

Profile picture of Megan Kendall

Megan Kendall

Test Collection

Test Collection

2 posts

Profile picture of Ann Bessenbacher

Ann Bessenbacher

Citizen Science Research Papers

This is a collection of citizen science research papers and their significance to these five points: 1. Definition of citizen science 2. Who participates in citizen science and the demographics of those participants 3. Participant’s motivation to get involved in the online sites 4. Citizen Science project best practices, what makes a good site 5. What are good rewards and motivations for users and researchers, what are the demographics of people who participate in pattern spotting type activities in areas other than citizen science

20 posts

Profile picture of Ann Bessenbacher

Ann Bessenbacher

Citizen Science Sites

This is a collection of Citizen Science website online. The sites should be evaluated on these three points: 1- Ease of use 2- Romanticism, idealism, inspirationality 3- Impact transparency

24 posts

Profile picture of Ann Bessenbacher

Ann Bessenbacher

Online Engineering Resources for Elementary Grades

These are links to online engineering resources for the elementary grades.

3 posts

Profile picture of James Daniel Lehman

James Daniel Lehman